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The Webinar

"FREE SELF C.B.T TRAINING: Effective C.B.T Techniques To Gain Control of Your Thoughts & Emotions"

Learn a powerful Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) process that can change the very way you look at yourself and the world around you in this webinar today.

This webinar is just 20 MINUTES LONG! No fluff, no sales pitch... Just powerful & effective Self CBT techniques so you can do CBT at Home.

Further Information About The Free Self C.B.T Training Webinar

What you NEED to know about this webinar!

  1. This Webinar is only 22 MINUTES LONG! No fluff, no long intros, no building you up to a paid product at the end. Just practical, direct Self CBT training so you can effectively do CBT at home. Nothing else.

  2. You cannot skip, or watch the replay after. I would love to have your full attention for this short duration of time, so you’ll only be able to control the volume and pause once the webinar starts. The video cannot be skipped forward or backwards, and there will be no replay sent after either.

  3. There is no long introduction – just effective CBT techniques throughout. This webinar is all CBT training. That’s why it’s only 20 minutes. It’s a process using effective CBT technique’s that you can start employing and using in your self CBT sessions at home.

  4. There is no lengthy sales pitch at the end – just an invite to a free call if you are interested to continue the journey with me. Now, If you want to go deeper and get into the training further, we can get on a free call together and talk about it, and talk about any other issues you may want to address and start to look at. If not, that’s perfectly ok, I just genuinely hope this training helps you move forward.

By the end of this free self CBT therapy webinar, you will:

  1. Have a TRIED-AND-TESTED process to understand the deeper mental patterns you currently keep.

  2. Be able to EFFECTIVELY isolate problematic thoughts and analyze them

  3. Have much more clarity about why you act the way you do and what brought you here.

What is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (C.B.T)?

What is CBT and how can it help with mental health concerns, such as destructive thoughts and negative emotions?

What is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)?

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) involves changing the way people think and process events in order to feel better. It’s a form of talk therapy that focuses on the specific problems a person faces, and the possible causes thereof.

Through cognitive behavior therapy, a therapist can work with you to identify and change unhealthy thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors. We will discuss, dig into, identify, and understand any past events that may have led to your current state, and then help you move forward from them.

If, for example, you are suffering from anxiety, a CBT therapist will help you identify and challenge thoughts that cause excessive worry, ask questions to help you identify what is causing this current mental state, and teach you strategies and techniques to help you move forward from them.

The use of CBT can benefit a variety of mental health concerns, including depression, anxiety, and stress.